
Public Works


Snowplowing and Ice Control

The city’s Snow and Ice Control Policy describes the measures that the city undertakes to control snow and ice on city streets. The policy outlines when snow removal operations are undertaken; what the priorities are for streets. See the policy statement here. (PDF file)

Seasonal Load Restrictions on City Streets

The City has implemented a road load restriction policy in an effort to preserve our considerable investment in our local streets. The timing of when the road load restrictions are applied and lifted in Pine Springs will follow the lead of Washington County.

When in force:

  • Hilton Trail and 60th St N are regulated by the Washington County Transportation Department.

  • Warner Road and 62nd Street have a 7,000 pound weight restriction per axle.

  • All other city streets have a 5,000 pound weight restriction per axle.

Exceptions to this policy are:

  • Any emergency vehicle

  • Weekly garbage vehicle service